I graduated on May 9th, my entire family (minus Willoughby) came to Charleston to witness the event. Although it was a long and boring ceremony, it was nice to know I was done with school. Afterwards Kelsey's and my family went to our apartment, and hung out at the pool to cook up some burgers/hot-dogs, and just enjoy the day. It was a relaxing celebration, just how I had hoped it would be. I was so tired though, that at one point I fell asleep in my bed, leaving my whole family to entertain themselves, and then when I woke up (at 11pm!), there was silence in my apartment. Needless to say my family gave up on waiting for me to wake up so they went back to the hotel to get some rest of their own. I felt so bad, but I know they understood. I had driven back from Savannah the night before to pick up Hedy from the airport, and I didn't get home until 2am, then I woke up for the ceremony at 7am. Anyways, it was a good day, and we ended it by taking a birthday cake I had baked to the hotel to celebrate my dad's birthday at 11pm.
After my family's visit, I had to pack up my entire apartment, and study for the GMAT. I had about 2 weeks to do it all, and with some help from Kelsey's mom, Joe, Goodwill and Craigslist, I was able to make it out of there with only 1 car full of my belongings.
Next I headed up to Boone NC with Joe and his family to spend Memorial Day weekend in a cabin on a mo
Joe and I drove back to his house on Monday to spend our last day together before I left. It was a good day, not very sad (as I had expected), but we just enjoyed eachothers company and then I was on my way. I only cried once :)
I then headed up to Charlotte where I visited my friend Lauren for one night, we spent the whole time catching up, and the next day I was off to drive up to Ohio.
The drive took me 10 hours. It was easy, aside from the rain. I made it to my grandma's house in Tiffin Ohio around 10pm. That was last night.
So here I am hanging out with the Grams, just getting the last things together before I leave for Peru. This is probably the 7th time I have tried to re-pack the two bags I am taking with me. It is an impossible mission to fit what I believe are the "necessities". Why is it that bags can only be 50lbs? It should be 55lbs, the extra five is a whole pair of shoes, or two more pairs of pants at least!
I am in good spirits, and excited about what is to come. I just hope I will be able to carry all of my luggage...