As for Grocio Prado itself, like I said in my last blog, it is not a very pretty town due to the destruction caused by the Earthquake in 2007. The town looks somewhat like a war-zone. The saddest part is that many people are living in huts constructed of woven mats. They do not have the money to rebuild their house, and the government hasn’t done a great job of helping the people of Grocio Prado to rebuild. However there has been (and continues to be) a lot of help by NGO’s and other organizations to rebuild houses and other buildings. The family I am living with was blessed enough to have absolutely zero damage occur to their house. Because of this they were not (monetarily) affected by the earthquake and have been able to continue in life without starting over. So needless to say, I am staying in one of the nicer houses in Grocio Prado. The house has 4 large living rooms that are each connected in a line, and off to the side of two of the living rooms are the bedrooms. I am staying in a fairly large room with two twin beds and a dresser. When I signed up for Peace Corps I was not picturing living in a house quite this nice. However, it should make life a little easier right?
The family I am living with consists of the father Elvio, the mother Maria, and their 18 year old son Elvis. They are very sweet people and were great hosts the entire visit. My father is a vigilante, or watchman for some place, I’m not quite sure… I believe my mom is a stay at home mom for the most part. Elvis is in a business tech program at the moment and seems to be a typical 18 year old. I actually feel the age difference between him and I which is scary because until now I thought 18 wasn’t a whole lot younger than me, but I guess time has passed without me noticing. He invited me out the first night I arrived but I declined because I was so tired. He never asked me to go out again after that, so I didn’t do anything each night I was there because I didn’t feel it was safe to go out alone. My father said to me right before I left that Elvis would be sure to “integrate” me into his group of friends as soon as I return. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. I know his girlfriend is 15 so I can only imagine the ages within his group of friends. Hmmmm, we will see how this develops…
I also met the mayor of my town who is a WHOPPING 24 years old. He seemed nervous to meet me, and I could tell he didn’t quite know what to say. I also got the vibe that he was confused about what exactly it was I would be doing for two years. So I am in the process of perfecting my “what is Peace Corps and what am I here to do” speech (in Spanish). I could tell that my first challenge in site is going to be explaining what I am there to do. Since the people are so used to having NGO’s come into their city they don’t quite get the difference between my position and the position of an NGO. After my brief (and awkward) meeting with the mayor, I was hurried out of his office and into a taxi. Though this was no normal taxi… This was the chauffer of the mayor. He was told to take me on a tour of the town. And so he did. We drove around for 2 hours, and by the end I realized just how large my site was. The chauffer’s name is Alfredo and he is by far the best connection I made during site visit. He told me a lot about Grocio Prado, and showed me all the different parts, he even took me to a few artisans to talk and see their work. The tour took place on the 2nd day that I was there, and for the next two days every time I saw him he would ask if I needed a ride anywhere, or if I had any “dudas” (doubts) about anything. It was nice to have one person in town recognize me when I was walking down the street.
The majority of my site visit was spent hanging out at my house, so yes, as I had predicted, there was not a lot of preparation for my visit and no one really took me under their wing to show me around and introduce me to people. However, I am glad I had the experience because when I go back in two weeks I will know exactly what to expect, and be much more prepared for it.
Some other highlights are that I live 15 min. from the beach, 30 min. from Paracas (a BEAUTIFUL tourist spot), and less than an hour from two of my friends. I also think I will get a bike to use because there are no hills and a lot of people in the town use bikes. How eco-friendly! My house is also 10 minutes from the city of Chincha which is big and has everything I could need.
well, well, a 24 year old mayor, wow, i think you should go back after your two years and run for mayor, because i know with your help, and once the mayor figures out what you are here for, you can convince him to put money back into his town to build it up. The city will come alive and i bet they will have a parade around the town for you once you leave, i think after you tenure there, you will have the most recongnizable face there is....GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING.
ReplyDeleteSo you don´t have a contraparte? Like a partner person that works with/supervises you??
Grocio Prado looks pretty nice- the mayor´s building is really fancy... Lots o´ cash down there!!
You should push the two twin beds together and make a one huge lounge/sleep center... :)
(Hi Honey, this is my third attempt to post a comment here. This time I'll try to be brief and hopefully this will post before something else happens and the draft is dropped.)
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome site and so many blessings!!! I'm very relieved to know you don't have to live 24/7 in a woven mat hut, though I'm sure you'd make it cozy and comfy.
Sounds like a good match with this family since the son, Elvis, is in a business tech program (he's a year younger than your youngest brother and Elvis' girlfriend a tad younger than your youngest sister... ah little siblings, what would you do without them?!)
Your Grandma and I keep wondering how the wedding was that your current host family took you to (was that in June?!). We'd love to read about the experience if you have time to write about it.
Sounds like the chauffer may be a type of "contraparte" for you in your new site - he and others employed in service and admin positions will be very helpful to you as you prepare and implement your Community Diagnostic. The Mayor may have been a bit overwhelmed (and intimidated?) by a female peer from the USA in the Peace Corps. In time, I'm sure he'll be helpful, too.
On another note, I'm sure you and your fellow Peace Corps mates have learned about the passing of Eunice Shriver. I just wanted to convey my condolences to you and the other Peace Corps volunteers.
Your service in the Peace Corps is a celebration of and carries forward the contributions of Eunice and Seargent Shriver to this country and the world. They inspired many in the generation(s) that raised the current crop of Peace Corps Volunteers. Thanks to you and your Peace Corps mates for your service!
Love always, Mom
Ps - I bet you're looking foward to being near the Pacific Ocean again!!!